
GIOS Lecture Notes - Part 4 Lesson 1 - Remote Procedure Calls

Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)

Why RPC?

  • Example 1: Getfile App
    • client-server
    • create and init sockets
    • allocate and populate buffers
    • include ‘protocol’ information
      • getfile, size, …
    • copy data into buffers
      • filename, file, …
  • Example 2: ModImage App
    • client-server
    • client uploads images, then requests server to modify images
    • steps required of this would be very similar to GetFile app
      • one big difference is that protocol-related information would have to specify a lot, e.g. algorithm, parameters, etc
  • It became obvious in the 80s that a lot of the boilerplate for distributed apps was being rewritten every time
  • Common steps relates to remote IPC were then abstracted to Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)

Benefits of RPC

  • RPC is intendended to simplify the development of cross-address space & cross-machine interactions
  • Higher-level interface for data movement & communication
  • Error handling
  • Hiding complexities of cross-machine interaction

RPC Requirements

  • Client/server interaction model
    • server runs some complex service
    • clients don’t need to be able to do the service thing, just issue requests to the server
  • Procedure call interface
    • synchronous call semantics
      • this means client will make call to server, then block until call completes and returns. same as a procedure call locally.
  • Type checking
    • useful for error handling
    • useful for packet bytes interpretation
  • Cross-machine conversion
    • e.g. big/little endian
    • differences in representation of floating point numbers, negative numbers, etc
    • one solution is to have the rpc runtime on both sides of the pipe agree on all the formats, for instance everything in the “network” format
  • Higher-level Protocol
    • incorporate higher level mechanisms, such as: access control, fault tolerance, …
    • should support different transport protocols under the hood

Structure of RPC

  • Client wants to do something, but doesn’t know how. Only knows what operations are available.
  • Client sends desired operations to server, server performs them, server sends results back to client
  • Client also needs things like server IP and such for RPC to handle the communication

Steps in RPC

  1. Register – server registers procedure, arg types, location, etc. All information needed for RPC use.
  2. Bind – client finds and binds to desired server.
  3. Call – client makes PRC call; control passed to stub, client code blocks
  4. Marshall – client stub “marshalls” arguments (serialize args into buffer)
  5. Send – client sends message to server using whatever transmission protocol the client and server agreed to during the binding process
  6. Receive – server receives message; passes message to server-stub; possible access control checks if needed
  7. Unmarshall – server stub unmarshalls args (extracts args & creates data structs)
  8. Actual call – server stub calls local procedure implementation
  9. Result – server performs operation and computes result of RPC operation
  10. Similar steps on return, in reverse

Interface Definition Language (IDL)

  • The nice thing about RPC is that client and server don’t have to be developed together. Could be a different developer, different languages even.
  • For that to work, there must be some agreement about what the server can do, and what arguments are required for the various operations.
    • This is so the client can decide which server it should bind with
    • Standardizing these agreements are important also so that the RPC library can automatically generate the stubs
  • These needs are addressed by IDLs

Specifying an IDL

  • An IDL is used to desribe the interface the server exports
    • At minimum, must include procedure name, and arguments and their types. Similar to a function signature.
    • Must also include a version number. If there are multiple servers that provide a procedure, this helps the client know which server has the most current version of that procedure. Also, version #s make it easier to efficiently do upgrades.
  • RPC can use IDL that is:
    • language-agnostic
      • example given: XDR (eXternal Data Representation) from SunRPC
        • different from any other language, is its own thing
        • if you don’t have an IDL in the working language and have to learn one anyway, might as well learn a simple and universal one
    • language-specific
      • example given: Java in Java Remote Method Invocations (RMI)
        • nice if you already know Java, don’t have to learn some new syntax
    • Only an interface, NOT IMPLEMENTATION!

Marshalling and Unmarshalling

  • Variables of an RPC function are scattered in client address space
  • Client passes variables to rpc function, those variables must be sent via a buffer to the server
  • Buffer is automatically generated by marshalling code, known as serialization
    • This is particularly useful when the function inputs are complex structures, such as arrays.
    • Marshalling process must encode the data to an agreed-upon format, and this can get hairy if done manually
  • Unmarshalling, as expected, takes the agreed upon encoding and uses it to extract the function variables from the buffer

Binding and Registry

  • Binding
    • Client determines
      • Which server should it connect to?
        • Based on things like service name, version number, etc.
      • How will it connect to that server?
        • Discover things like IP address, network protocol, etc.
  • Registry
    • database of available services
    • search for service name to find service and contact details
    • Could be distributed
      • Any RPC service could register here
    • Could be machine-specific
      • for services running on the same machine
      • clients would have to know the machine address
        • registry could provide port number needed for connection
    • Regardless of how it’s implemented, a naming protocol is necessary
      • e.g. exact match of name and version # for “add” function
      • or, could have some matching logic, and also match to things like “sum”, “summation”, etc.

Pointers in RPC

  • Pointers as arguments to RPC procedures are tricky. Very normal for local procedures, but obviously address space is different on remote server.
  • Solutions
    • no pointers!
    • serialize pointers
      • copy referenced data structure to send buffer. Dereferencing instead of just copying the pointer.
      • On arrival at the server, the argument will be copied to address space and then used as a pointer properly

Handling Partial Failures

  • When a client hangs… what’s the problem?
    • server down? service down? network down? message lost?
    • timeout and retry help, but offer no guarantees
  • Special RPC notification (signal, exception, etc)
    • tries to catch all possible ways in which the RPC call can (partially) fail without claiming to provide the exact detail.


  • Developed in 80s by Sun for UNIX. Now widely available on other platforms
  • Design Choices
    • Binding => per-machineregistry daemon
    • No assumption regarding programming language used by client or server
    • IDL => XDR (for interface specification and for encoding)
    • Pointers => allowed and serialized
    • Failures => retries contacting server on timeout for N number of times. Return as much information as possible, meaningful errors where available.
  • Client-server via procedure calls, follows normal RPC structure as described above
    • binding creates an rpc handle
    • client uses handle in calls
    • rpc runtime uses handle to track per-client RPC state
  • Client and server may be on the same or different machines
    • really all RPC works like this
  • Documentation, tutorials, and examples now maintained by Oracle
    • SunRPC Docs
    • TI-RPC == Transport-Independent SunRPC
      • The protocol used for the client-server communication need not be specified at compile time
    • Otherwise follows SunRPC/XDR as described above. Includes docs and code examples.
    • Older online references still relevant
    • Linux man pages – man rpc
    • RPC is not inherently thread-safe by default
      • rpcgen -C square.x => not thread safe, race conditions on several objects
        • y = squareproc_1(&x, client_handle)
      • rpcgen -C -M square.x => multithreading safe
        • status = squareproc_1(&x, &y, client_handle)
        • doesn’t actually make a multithreaded “_svc.c” server
          • on Solaris “-a” => MT server
          • on Linux has to be done manually
  • Compiling SunRPC

  • SunRPC Registry
    • RPC daemon == portmapper
      • /sbin/portmap (need sudo priviliges)
      • used by both servers and clients
        • client use is easy, it’s on the machine
        • query with rpcinfo -p
          • returns program id, version, protocol, socket port number, service name, etc. for every RPC service registered on that machine
        • portmapper runs with both tcp and udp on port 111
  • SunRPC Binding
    • returns client handle of data type client*
      • used for tracking information such as stratus, errors, authentication, etc.
  • XDR Data Types
    • default types (usually in C too)
      • char, byte, int, float, etc
    • additional XDR types
      • const (#define)
      • hyper (64-bit integer)
      • quadruple (128-bit float)
      • opaque (~ C byte)
        • uninterpreted binary data
      • arrays
        • fixed-length array
          • e.g. int data [80]
        • variable-length array
          • e.g. int data <80>
          • angular brackets denote the max expected length
          • when compiled, translates into a data structure with “len” and “val” fields
            • string line<80> => c pointer to char
            • stored in memory as a normal null-terminated string
            • encoded (for transmission) as a pair of length and data, similar to other variable-length data structures
  • XDR Routines
    • marshalling/unmarshalling
      • found in square_xdr.c
    • clean-up
      • xdr_free()
      • user_defined _freeresult procedure
        • e.g. square_prog_1_freeresult
      • called after results returned
  • Encoding
    • What actually goes on the wire
      • RPC header
        • service procedure ID, version number, request ID, etc. So server actually knows what it’s getting
          • server must also respond with this information, for same reason
      • Actual data
        • transport header
          • e.g. TCP, UDP information
        • arguments or results
        • encoded into a byte stream depending on data type
    • XDR == IDL + the encoding
      • i.e. the binary representation of data on the wire
    • XDR Encoding rules
      • all data types are encoded in multiples of 4 bytes
        • so a single-byte data type would result in 1 byte of data and 3 bytes of padding
      • big endian is used as the transmission standard
        • data must first be translated if not already in this format
        • may cause extra overhead, but consistency and clarity is worth it
        • two’s complement is used for integers
        • IEEE format is used for floating point

Java Remote Method Invocations (RMI)

  • Pioneered by Sun as a form of client-server communication among address spaces in the JVM
  • mataches Java OO semantics
  • IDL == Java (language-specific

  • RMI Runtime
    • Remote reference layer
      • captures all the common code needed to provide different reference semantics. Abstracts over the transport layer.
      • unicast, broadcast, return-first response, return-if-all-match, etc.
    • Transport layer
      • TCP, UDP, shared memory, etc.
    • Java RMI Tutorial